Cart Abandonment Rate Calculator

Last updated on by Editorial Staff

Cart Abandonment Rate Calculator

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Quick Guide to Use the Cart Abandonment Rate Calculator

  • Input the average number of visitors who add items to their cart, the average number of completed orders, and the average order value.
  • Choose the currency for the order value from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on the “Calculate” button to generate results.
  • View the cart conversion rate, cart abandonment rate, and lost revenue.
  • Reset: Use the “Reset” button to clear all fields and start over.


Cart abandonment rate in % =  (1- cart conversion rate in %) * 100

Cart conversion rate in % = ( Average number of completed orders / Average number of visitors adding to cart ) *100

Lost revenue = Average order value * ( Average number of visitors adding to cart – Average number of completed orders )

Input Field Details

  • Ave. Number of Visitors Adding to Cart: Average number of visitors who add items to their cart.
  • Ave.Number of Completed Orders:  Average number of orders that are successfully completed.
  • Average Order Value:  Average value of orders.

What is the Cart Abandonment Rate Calculator?

The Cart Abandonment Rate Calculator is a tool designed to help businesses estimate their cart conversion rate, abandonment rate, and potential lost revenue due to abandoned carts.

Who Can Use This Calculator?

E-commerce businesses, online retailers, digital marketers, and analysts can use this calculator to assess their website’s performance in converting cart additions into completed orders.

Which Industries Can Use This Calculator?

Any industry that operates an e-commerce platform or sells products online can benefit from using this calculator, including retail, fashion, electronics, and more.

Benefits of Using This Calculator

  • Insightful Metrics: Gain valuable insights into your website’s performance in converting cart additions into completed orders.
  • Revenue Optimization: Identify areas for improvement to reduce cart abandonment and maximize revenue.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Make informed decisions based on calculated metrics to enhance the shopping experience and increase conversions.


What is the Cart abandonment rate?

Cart abandonment rate is the percentage of visitors who add items to their online shopping cart but leave the website without completing the purchase.


The Cart Abandonment Rate Calculator is a valuable tool for e-commerce businesses to analyze their website’s performance and identify areas for improvement in converting cart additions into completed orders, ultimately maximizing revenue potential.