Basic Earnings Per Share Calculator Online (EPS Calculator)

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Basic Earnings Per Share (EPS) Calculator

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Guide to use Earning Per Share Calculator

To use the ‘Earnings Per Share Calculator follow these simple steps:

  • Select your currency from the dropdown menu.
  • Enter the Net Income of the company, which is the profit after all expenses and taxes.
  • Input the Preferred Dividends, which are the earnings distributed to preferred shareholders.
  • Type in the Weighted Average of Common Shares Outstanding during the period.
  • Click on the ‘Calculate’ button to get the Basic EPS, which indicates how much money each share earns.


Basic EPS = Net income – Preferred dividends / Weighted average of common shares outstanding



Net income: $100000

Preferred Dividend:$10000

Weighted Average of Common Shares Outstanding: 50000

The basic EPS calculation Would be :



So basic EPS would be $1.8 per common share

What is Earnings Per Share (EPS)?

Earnings Per Share (EPS) is a financial ratio that measures the amount of net income earned per share of a company’s stock. It’s an indicator of a company’s profitability.

The ‘Earnings Per Share (EPS)’ metric is crucial for comparing the performance of companies within the same industry. It serves as an indicator of a company’s financial health. This tool can aid in making informed investment decisions and is particularly beneficial for those engaged in stock market trading or portfolio management.

Understanding EPS is also significant for corporate management teams as it reflects the company’s efficiency in generating profits. A higher EPS often translates to a higher share price, making it a valuable metric for shareholders looking to gauge their investment’s growth potential.

Our EPS calculator is designed to be user-friendly, providing a helpful resource for quick calculations with professional accuracy. It’s an indispensable tool for performing financial analysis, simplifying a complex formula into a few clicks.

Who can use this?

The ‘Earnings Per Share (EPS) Calculator’ can be used by a variety of individuals and professionals, including:

  1. Investors: Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, the EPS Calculator can help you evaluate the profitability of different companies before buying or selling stocks. A higher EPS may indicate a company’s potential for greater returns on your investment.
  2. Financial Analysts and Advisors: These professionals use EPS to analyze the financial health of businesses, advise clients on investment opportunities, and create reports on stock performance.
  3. Accountants: Accountants may use the EPS figure when preparing financial statements and reports, giving them a quick and reliable way to communicate the value and profitability of a company to stakeholders.
  4. Business Students and Educators: For educational purposes, students can use the calculator to understand the practical applications of EPS in financial analysis, while educators can use it as a teaching aid to demonstrate financial concepts in the classroom.
  5. Company Executives: Executives and management teams may use EPS to set financial goals, measure the company’s performance, and make strategic decisions that could affect the company’s share price.
  6. Stock Market Enthusiasts: Individuals who follow the stock market for personal interest can use the calculator to analyze and compare the earnings performance of different companies.

How is this useful?

  • Simplifies Complex Calculations: The calculator breaks down the complex formula into an easy-to-use interface, making it accessible to non-finance experts.
  • Time-Efficient: It saves time by providing quick calculations, which is particularly beneficial during the analysis of multiple companies or when quick decisions are needed.
  • Educational Tool: For those learning about finance, it provides an interactive way to understand the impact of various financial figures on a company’s earnings per share.
  • Informed Decision-Making: By calculating EPS, users can make more informed decisions about investments and understand the value behind stock prices.
  • Comparative Analysis: It allows for a straightforward comparison between companies in the same sector, giving insights into which companies are performing better in terms of profitability.
  • Performance Tracking: For company executives, it’s a way to track the effectiveness of business strategies over time, seeing how decisions affect shareholder value.


Why is the EPS figure important to investors?

EPS is a direct reflection of a company’s profitability. A higher EPS indicates a more profitable company, which can lead to a higher stock price and dividends. Investors use it to assess the strength of a company and compare it with peers.

Can EPS help in comparing companies?

Yes, EPS is a common financial metric used to compare the financial performance of different companies within the same industry, as long as they have a similar number of shares.

What is the difference between Basic EPS and Diluted EPS?

Basic EPS does not take into account the potential dilution of shares, while Diluted EPS considers convertible securities, options, warrants, and other potential shares that could decrease earnings per share if converted to common stock.

What does a negative EPS mean?

A negative EPS, often referred to as a loss per share, indicates that the company is experiencing a net loss, or negative profitability, during a given period.

How can preferred dividends affect EPS?

Preferred dividends are subtracted from net income in the EPS calculation because they are not available to common shareholders. This ensures that the EPS reflects the earnings available to common shareholders only.

Is a higher EPS always better?

While a higher EPS generally indicates better performance, it should be considered along with other factors such as company growth, industry trends, and market conditions.


The Earnings Per Share (EPS) Calculator is a vital tool for anyone involved in financial analysis or investing. By providing a quick and accurate measure of a company’s profitability per share, it simplifies investment decisions and aids in the comparative analysis of companies.

Whether you’re a seasoned investor, financial analyst, or a student learning the ropes of finance, this calculator is designed to be a go-to resource for your financial calculations.

With a user-friendly interface and the ability to cater to both desktop and mobile users, our EPS calculator ensures that you have the necessary tools to perform essential financial assessments with ease and precision.